Eyewash 7500 - Jual Eyewash - Portable Gravity Fed Eyewash

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Lokasi :
DKI Jakarta
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0 Kali
Update Terakhir :
04-12-2019 21:03

Detail Produk

Kami menjual berbagai merk dan tipe EYEWASH.   Untuk pemesanan dan informasi harga hub : Christine. Telp : 085691398333, 0813 1781 5151. Email : mia_brsinaga@yahoo.com SPECIFICATIONS Model 7500 portable gravity operated eyewash shall include a FDA approved high-density green polyethylene 16 gallon (60.6 L) tank, ABS plastic eyewash heads with .4 gpm (1.5 L) flow rate over 15 minutes, yellow pull-down activation arm, integral handles on top and sides, wide-fill threaded cap, label-mounted operation and maintenance instructions, and a stainless steel wall bracket. Additive not included – Order separately.

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